About Across
Across provides workwear essentials for all forms of companies and businesses catering to varied professions.Taking into consideration the urban trends, we wish to re-design the conventional uniforms into contemporary workwear with a very 21st century millennial feel to it.
We aim to position ourselves as a brand that creates fun, unusual and vivid workwear that adds up to the happiness of our clients ACROSS different professions. Our sole commitment is to deliver value through our design and style which brings comfort and functionality, breaking the boundaries of the usual uniform.
Our Services
Our Customers
Whether it’s a paramedic’s high-visibility jacket or a caterer’s apron, they all have one thing in common - they wear a uniform. We often overlook how essential uniforms are; they help you identify who to ask for help during an emergency or when you require assistance or simply pinpoint who you can reach out to...